Sunday 17 October 2010


Ripon Civic Society's website was runner up in a national competition organised by Civic Voice. The results were announced at the AGM of Civic Voice in Peterborough.

We were beaten by Brighton Civic Society - of course, Brighton is considerably bigger than Ripon! Wakefield (also bigger!) was the other Society in contention.

This is what the Civic Voice newsletter says:

The first Civic Voice Awards for best website and newsletter provided a stiff competition with nearly 20 entries in each category. After a vote among civic volunteers to provide two shortlists, Brighton saw off Ripon and Wakefield for the website award. Brighton was commended for the easy on the eye design, regular news updates, clear navigation, concise writing and its use of social media. In a closely fought contest Cambridge took the honours over Birmingham and Wakefield in the competition for best newsletter. It was praised for the variety of interesting articles, strong masthead and the use of personal stories. Both Brighton and Cambridge also provided easy ways for people to get involved and encouraged feedback.

You can see Brighton Society’s website here and view Cambridge Past Present and Future’s newsletter here

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