Friday, 12 November 2010

Society's response to the 'Ripon Vision 2015' proposals

The Society has set out its response to the 'Ripon Vision 2015' proposals. The text of the response is as follows:


Ripon Civic Society believes that there is a pressing need to change the traffic and parking policies for Ripon, and it urges action as soon as possible to achieve this.

In March 2010 Ripon Civic Society published a Policy Statement about traffic management in Ripon. That statement remains the Society’s policy. It encompasses many of the ideas now put forward by Mr Mackintosh in ‘Ripon Vision 2015’.

The Civic Society does not endorse Mr Mackintosh’s plan as a whole, though it acknowledges that many of its elements have a common purpose with our Policy statement and, if implemented, would lead to some of the same ends.

It may be helpful, therefore, if the Civic Society sets outs its points of difference with ‘Ripon Vision 2015’, and offers a different perspective on priorities.

  1. The Society does not accept that there is a need for a multi-storey car park behind Sainsbury’s. Ripon does not need huge amounts of additional parking, and what is needed could be achieved by our proposal to extend the car park opposite the hospital in Firby Lane, with an extra deck under it approached from Somerset Row and additional surface-level parking abutting Black Swan Yard.

  2. The Society does not accept the need for any extra shopping provision behind Sainsbury’s store. It is appreciated that the suggestion is made as an enabling measure, to provide income, but the Society believes that there would be significant disadvantages in terms both of effect on the commercial heart of the city and on the landscape.

  3. The Society believes that there is great value in implementing the first part of the Mackintosh plan, but does not approve of routeing the No 36 bus along Westgate.

  4. The Society urges that a priority for any change should be the construction of a new link road from Low Skellgate to Firby Lane, which is the key to unlocking the road system in Ripon. The other link road, from the roundabout by the Bus station to St Marygate is not so urgent, but could be part of a one-way system that would allow Allhallowgate to become one-way and assist in allowing coaches to approach the city centre, drop off passengers and then park elsewhere.

  5. The Society believes that taxis should not remain in the Square but should be relocated near the bus station.

The Society urges that consideration be given to the purposes and use of the Market Square once it is pedestrianised. While it sees the removal of the traffic as an important part of moving Ripon forward, it will not do just to have the Square as an empty space all the time. That was never the purpose of the Square, and should not be once traffic is removed. The Society will put forward plans for the Square in the near future.

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