Tuesday 1 February 2011


A new report from English Heritage called 'Valuing Places; Good Practice in Conservation Areas' has just been published - and Ripon is one of the shining examples provided. Our committee member Richard Taylor is quoted, in his capacity as Chairman of the Ripon Museum Trust, as saying 'In a small place, you have to be resourceful to make things happen.'

The Ripon Gazette has asked for a comment, so this is what Chairman David Winpenny has sent:

  • 'It’s excellent that the improvements to Ripon have been recognised by English Heritage as good examples of what can be achieved when different agencies and groups work together. The English Heritage document looks back over what has been achieved – which is a great deal, and the Civic Society has always been at the forefront of such changes. But Ripon cannot rest on these laurels – it’s too easy to slip back into old ways. There is still much than can be done to make the city even better, and the Society will continue to push for further improvement. '

The full report can be downloaded at http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/publications/valuing-places/valuing-places-good-practice-conservation-areas.pdf

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